Do not click this face. 'sha' 태그의 글 목록 (2 Page)
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  • Illustration, Webcomics, Animation


Christmas. 2020 The wish Sha made this christmas... was a fairy Santa. 2020 Christmas celebration! 2021. 2. 9.
Happy Scavenging! 2020 In Eden, just picking up things will make you a rightful owner. That moment of happiness, when you head home with your bag full of loots! It's dangerous, but it's worth it! It's my first time to draw Sha smilling happily and normally. 2021. 2. 9.
Quiet and gloomy day. 2020 You feel depressed and lonely, but there's nothing you can do. Just lay back to this beautiful, silent world, and let your feelings in. 2021. 2. 8.
Heart 2018 True love needs sacrifice of true heart. This is an old artwork, but it's still funny. 2021. 2. 8.
Fight to Death 2020 In the ancient cemetery, Sha was fighting with the dead till the sun rises. She will wander around Eden until she dies to pick a fight 2021. 2. 8.
Halloween Pumpkin 2020 For halloween celebration, obviously. 2021. 2. 8.
Raining 2020 Rainy afternoon of Eden is so moist and peaceful. Sha was gazing raindrops, thinking: How much more could she live in this ruin-like house? I tried another art style. 2021. 2. 8.
Parts of The Body 2020 I love these parts of the body. It's actually not from commission, but I love it and who cares. 2021. 2. 8.
Sha, Stella - Kiss Kiss Stella poured down bottles of wine all night long, just to forget her depressing life. And guess what? After she got up from the blackout, there were an uninvited guest on her bed. Stella was very, very annoyed, but this snow bunny keeps asking for a kiss... It's hard to introduce light and shade in my art style. But... I kinda succeeded. So I'm happy. I loved the vibe of this, so I couldn't sto.. 2021. 2. 8.