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How to comfort someone without feeling too cringe 2021. 12. 7.
Reverse Lead 2021. 10. 20.
Heart 2018 True love needs sacrifice of true heart. This is an old artwork, but it's still funny. 2021. 2. 8.
Friends 2020 Nia's father would never let Nia go outside the house. However, those two friends makes friendship stronger through this tiny window. For Nia, the window is everything of the world, and Eve is her only friend whom she made through it. This got taken down on Reddit. Maybe because of the chains (child abuse)? From this, I realized the rating system in my mind is really different tham that of .. 2021. 2. 8.
Online class 2020 Not everyone eagerly listens to the online classes... 2021. 2. 7.
How to know your girlfriend’s feelings 2020 It'll be really cute to have a girlfriend with tail... 2021. 2. 7.
How can I get to the church? 2020 You, who has a pure soul, are looking for the church as you approach the town. There's no one to ask... except... this white snake passing by? But for some reason, this snake is not that kind to you... --- I was a cradle christian, so I grew up learning a lot about the Holy Bible. I thought, the descendants of the snake must hate god, because they can't hug their loved ones with their arms... 2021. 2. 7.
Love always comes with pain. 2019 Loving Coco, Sha being loved. Coco already new that it will be painful to hug her. But... you know. Love always hurts, right? 2021. 2. 7.
A warning sign 2018 The warning sign says "WARNING: Do not look at this warning sign." 2021. 2. 6.