coco6 Reverse Lead 2021. 10. 20. Propose 2020 Coco is about to make a proposal. 100% my vibe. I love these kind of atmosphere. 2021. 2. 9. Heart 2018 True love needs sacrifice of true heart. This is an old artwork, but it's still funny. 2021. 2. 8. Coco - Character Concept Art 2018 On a battle in the sky. Similar to the presemt design, but I don't love it. Something is wrong maybe? Could you figure it out? 2021. 2. 7. Coco 2020 Coco, re-designed in early 2020. Almost similar to the present design. I’ve got some ideas from the Coca-Cola, and I think this character is pretty well designed. But... I’m still working on it, doesn’t feel like it is complete. 2021. 2. 7. Love always comes with pain. 2019 Loving Coco, Sha being loved. Coco already new that it will be painful to hug her. But... you know. Love always hurts, right? 2021. 2. 7. 이전 Prev 1 다음 Next