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  • Illustration, Webcomics, Animation

Last Night8

Last night Progress I hate myself so much 2021. 8. 14.
LAST NIGHT PROLOGUE The cut composition of this comic might look different from the ones you usually see. We draw web comics(webtoons) like this in Korea for digital readability. What do you think? Is it uncomfortable? Or is this not available in certain devices? Feedbacks are always welcome! According to the original schedule, Episode 1 should have been uploaded on April 30th, but it will be later than I thought b.. 2021. 4. 23.
Amy finale design 2021. 4. 5.
Amy second design 2021. 4. 5.
Eve final design 2021. 4. 5.
LAST NIGHT Coming soon The LAST NIGHT Comics will be published on April 21. It's a free comic. After the first episode, Patron opens up Patron and Patron sponsors give you the benefit of previewing cartoons. +partron Limited last night comics illustration Even if you don't sponsor Patron, comics will be uploaded anyway. We expect episode 10 to be completed, and episode 1 will be produced every 16 days. I don't know ho.. 2021. 3. 6.
First design of Amy Meh. Trying fixing this character ever since I finished drawing it. 2021. 2. 7.
Last Night - Introduction This is the first comics project I've been preparing. It won't attract many people, but I always wanted to make this. Please look forward to it, because it will be awesome! Genre: Fantasy, Action, Dark Main Characters: Jack, Eve, Nia, Xariodd, Amy, Denise Place: East Tiffon, Iron Wheel (Steampunk, Indian back alley vibes) Must be for 15 or older in order to read the comics Violence: explicit, se.. 2021. 2. 6.