Do not click this face. 'Nia' 태그의 글 목록 (2 Page)
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  • Illustration, Webcomics, Animation


Everything's a blessing. 2020 Pain from the past can never affect her anymore. Raindrops falling on her skin and dewed fragrant flowers will make her the happiest in the world. 2021. 2. 9.
Nia - Cookie 2020 Did someone ate your cookie? Maybe Nia knows where it went :) Long tongue is her charming point I guess 2021. 2. 8.
Friends 2020 Nia's father would never let Nia go outside the house. However, those two friends makes friendship stronger through this tiny window. For Nia, the window is everything of the world, and Eve is her only friend whom she made through it. This got taken down on Reddit. Maybe because of the chains (child abuse)? From this, I realized the rating system in my mind is really different tham that of .. 2021. 2. 8.
Nia - predator 2020 어리다고 하더라도 여전히 그녀는 포식자의 피가 흐르고 있습니다. 낮에는 놀아주더라도 밤에는 안 물리도록 조심하세요! 고양이 키워보셨나요? 전 예전에 잠깐 키워봤는데 정말 사랑스럽더라구요. 특히 고양이들의 이해할수 없는 행동이 너무 마음에 들었어요. 이 일러스트는 제 고양이가 이불속에서 가만히 절 응시하던 모습을 모티브로 만들게 되었습니다. 2021. 2. 8.
Parts of The Body 2020 I love these parts of the body. It's actually not from commission, but I love it and who cares. 2021. 2. 8.
Fish Thief 2020 It is really hard to get something to eat in Tiffon. This little thief has eaten quite a lot of fishes. Again, she should work hard for a month to compensate that... I was thinking about whether I should draw with lines or not. Eventually, I deciede to go without lines. 2021. 2. 8.
Nia Name: Nia Age: 17 Sex: Female Symbol: existence, happiness She is a mixed, reptile girl, appreciating every small things around her. She enjoys living her life. She was brutally abused by her father when she was young, but at some point, her father stopped abusing and never touched her. Ever since her father unlocked the chains that shackled her, Nia wanders around in Tiffon with her best friend.. 2021. 2. 7.
Nia - final design 2021. 2. 7.