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commission from potatobud This is the first commission I received. He is an artist with a very cute drawing style. fuck its too cute 2021. 5. 2.
commission from adel cute puppy :3 thx adel! 2021. 5. 2.
commission from Gompami thx! gompami! How about this classic cartoon art? I love it! I tend to like same-sex couples. 이런 고전적인 카툰풍 정말 마음에 듭니다! 제가 좀 동성 커플을 좋아해서 이런 구도로 커미션을 신청 해봤어요. 2021. 5. 2.
commission for picket This picture was commissioned 2 months ago. It's for the twitch channel, so I tried it because I was curious. 2021. 5. 1.
and... po 2021. 4. 25.
tai lung fanart (female ver) 2021. 4. 24.
라스트 나잇 프롤로그 원래 30일에 1화를 낼 계획이였는데 중간 과제 때문에 시간이 없어서 1화 나오는데 2주 더 걸릴것 같다 그래도 일단 중간 과제 끝나면 계속 2주 간격으로 연재할 예정 그리고 1화부터는 90컷 입니다 2021. 4. 23.
LAST NIGHT PROLOGUE The cut composition of this comic might look different from the ones you usually see. We draw web comics(webtoons) like this in Korea for digital readability. What do you think? Is it uncomfortable? Or is this not available in certain devices? Feedbacks are always welcome! According to the original schedule, Episode 1 should have been uploaded on April 30th, but it will be later than I thought b.. 2021. 4. 23.
... 대학교 중간과제 때문에 애먹는중. 그래도 여전히 만화는 업로드할 예정입니다. 근데 하루이틀 늦어질것 같아요. 좀 X같네요 2021. 4. 21.