Do not click this face. '분류 전체보기' 카테고리의 글 목록 (16 Page)
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  • Illustration, Webcomics, Animation

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wedding Just before the wedding, she heard a word from her friend. He ran away. Not only from her, but also from all the things he was responsible for. “Well, I didn’t even believed in his love. He wouldn’t have been sincere to an animal like me.” She threw off the veil and walked out of the lonesome wedding hall without hesitation. Her smile from the back fluttered like a candlelight in a heavy rain. 2021. 11. 9.
:( 시험때문에 바빠서 커미션이 2~3일이나 지체되었네요. 제 고객에게 너무 미안해요. 최근에 너무 많은 일들이 있었어요. 우울증 걸린 친구를 보살피는건 정말 폭풍 속에 있는 기분이에요. 커미션이 끝나면 바로 만화를 그려야겠죠 시간이 너무 빨리 지나가네요. 슬프고 책임감없는 나날이에요 2021. 10. 31.
:l I'm busy with the exam, the commission will be completed in three days. I'm sorry to my customer for being later than expected. A lot of things happened these days. Taking care of a friend with depression feels like being in a storm. After the commission, I have to draw the cartoon again. Time goes too fast. I need to act more responsibly. 2021. 10. 31.
그녀가 말했다, "병신." 2021. 10. 25.
she said, "idiot" 2021. 10. 25.
Spoocky 님의 커미션 색감과 캐릭터 특징땜에 그리기 어려웠다 2021. 10. 21.
commission for Spoocky hey guys, this is 6th commission. 2021. 10. 21.
Hey guys Im sooo drunk heeheeheeehehee i love you all fuk you moon man, you suck 2021. 10. 20.
뒤바뀐 리드 2021. 10. 20.