English/Comics project - last night16 NIA quadrupedal walking. / 니아 사족보행 She walks like this. 니아는 이렇게 걷습니다. 모델링겸 리퀘. 2022. 1. 21. amy modeling / 에이미 모델링 Eventually, design changed again :l 결국 디자인 또 바뀌었네 2022. 1. 19. eve - concept art 2021. 12. 2. character concept art / Amy , Dnese 2021. 8. 14. Amy finale design 2021. 4. 5. Amy second design 2021. 4. 5. Eve final design 2021. 4. 5. LAST NIGHT Coming soon The LAST NIGHT Comics will be published on April 21. It's a free comic. After the first episode, Patron opens up Patron and Patron sponsors give you the benefit of previewing cartoons. +partron Limited last night comics illustration Even if you don't sponsor Patron, comics will be uploaded anyway. We expect episode 10 to be completed, and episode 1 will be produced every 16 days. I don't know ho.. 2021. 3. 6. Nia - final design 2021. 2. 7. 이전 Prev 1 2 다음 Next