When I finally arrived at the cemetery of the temple, I saw a fox sitting on the stone coffin.
On the coffin that has vestiges of thousands of years, the fox was sitting still, only shined her fur like the sunlight.
The fox was gazing me, in silence, but I couldn't pass by her.
There was no hindrance, but all my senses were saying that I couldn't pass.
Standing still, I looked up to the cemetery.
It was crying.
The letters on the tombstone were screaming; singing about the long forgotten sadness.
All of a sudden, something struck my mind, and I could finally realize why the fox was sitting there.
She must have been waiting for someone who made a promise to come back.
No matter how much time oasses, she'll be waiting for someone, longing.
A lot of people loved it.
I put so much time and effort, so I was really hyped up when people loved it!
I also really love the story about it, so I would put it in the game in the future.
Oh, and this is inspired from my dream.
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