Do not click this face. Stella
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English/Character Introduction


by HydraBB 2021. 2. 7.

Name: Stella Dicaios

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Symbol: double sided

The second oldest daughter of the Great Dicaios family in Apollo City, Iron Wheel. Her father gave her a magnum bigger than the size of her arm, as a birthday present, teaching her the true meaning of the violence. The father who never allows a failure, etiquettes that need to be perfected, and cruel, irrational thoughts... All of these made her feel separated from the other people, and she is sad that she can't smile at the same thing as other girls smile at.

  • Good at dealing with guns
  • Very depressed
  • Loves animal
  • Wants to love someone very much
  • Hates her father a lot
  • Interested in Oly
  • Loves wine

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