Do not click this face. Ricky
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  • Illustration, Webcomics, Animation
English/Character Introduction


by HydraBB 2021. 2. 7.


Name:  Ricky Scott

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Symbol: freedom, desire


He was not a person that stands out, but after he graduated the university, he was completely changed. He is really open minded about sexual things. He is also very lively, loves challenge and curious about everything. He is good at controlling others by talking, and has a lot of skills that allows him to hang out with literally anyone. Don't know how it could happen, but he has 5 jobs; hotel front desk agent, deacon, strip dancer, photographer, storyteller. He is proud of his jobs.


  • Bisexual
  • Stressed out about how he changes his lovers frequently
  • Loves travel
  • Cares for Stella and Adam

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