Do not click this face. Last Night - Introduction
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English/Comics project - last night

Last Night - Introduction

by HydraB2 2021. 2. 6.

This is the first comics project I've been preparing.

It won't attract many people, but I always wanted to make this.

Please look forward to it, because it will be awesome!


Genre: Fantasy, Action, Dark

Main Characters: Jack, Eve, Nia, Xariodd, Amy, Denise

Place: East Tiffon, Iron Wheel (Steampunk, Indian back alley vibes)

Must be for 15 or older in order to read the comics

Violence: explicit, sexual theme: moderate, language: explicit


In a dangerous town of Tiffon, which was on a rocky valley, a girl named Eve was living a miserable life.
The military railroad crosses the centre of Tiffon, and Eve and her friends are train robbers who rob military supplies from the train.

However, one of the trains was carrying a special object, and it changed the life of Eve completely.

This is a story about her, making her life even worse, after she found out some kind of demonic possession.

There will be about 10 episodes.

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