Do not click this face. ***Please Read This Before Commission***
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  • Illustration, Webcomics, Animation
Commission 커미션/Commissions Notice

***Please Read This Before Commission***

by HydraBB 2021. 2. 6.

You will pay right after you confirm the sketch.

You can ask for adjustment "twice" in the sketch process.


I only accept PayPal. I do not accept any other methods (such as Bitcoins or so)

If you are Korean or in Korea, I also accept Toss :)


I do not draw sexually explicit contents, and I decide whether it is explicit or not.


I love my fans. I really appreciate your interest in artworks and commission, but I don't want to draw something that I don't want just because of $$$.

I really appreciate those who want to pay for my artworks. And all the fans.
Love y'all. But, I do not take commissions without respect.

Money is not the only purpose of my commission.
I am drawing a commission with respect and affection,
 which is possible because I believe you treat me the same way.



Sorry if it felt bad! But there were some customers
who were so difficult to deal with.

Anyway, thank you again for your interest!

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